Friday, December 4, 2009

Background Info From The Book on Spirituality

The major influences of modern culture has been the market. The authors discuss in the book how religion is a personal worldview now; it is basically what you believe. They claim that the root is that we're trying to fill a hole to complete ourselves (individual satisfaction/self discovery/ self-help). The hole in ourselves never really gets filled but someone gets paid in the market from us or them trying to help us fill the void in ourselves. Religion/Spirituality is something is pacify us. It's like the example we were given for palliative care. Its like Hospice Care, it makes you feel better but doesn't solve the problem, it just dims the pain a little. This is what the authors say spirituality is to our lives. It's boinga, spirituality can mean anything, it can do anything (supposedly), but in reality something that can mean anything and do anything really means nothing and does nothing. We have convinced ourselves that it can do something. I think that to an extent this is an accurate portrayal of how we/capitalism has developed spirituality. - Ashley M

From the book "Selling Spirituality; The Silent Takeover of Religion" by Jeremy R. Carrette and Richard King


  1. I feel that people are looking too much into definitions of religion/spirituality and that's were issues arise because it's rarely going to mean the same thing to two different people. Also, it's rarely going to effect people the same way.

  2. I Agree, but the sad thing is, people will continue to buy things in order to try to fill the holes in their lives. Until people realize you can't buy joy, peace, love, religion or spirituality things won't change. And the market will continue to thrive!
