Above link is to a public announcement made to advertise The Church of Scientology. It shows ordinary people in the world, searching for that one thing missing in their life. The commercial states that everyone is looking for it, some try to buy it and wear it, but most don't know what they're looking for. It further states that we can all feel it and that we have this aching desire to fill this unexplainable emptiness in our lives by one thing, "The Truth" which they believe is Scientology.
This advertisement is trying to sell Scientology to lost people in the world and is posing as "The Truth" to all. Even the slogan of Scientology states, "Know yourself, Know Life." Basically, this religion is trying to make people believe that if they know who they are as a person, then they will know life and how to live it better in total freedom.
But is it true that EVERYONE is in search of "The Truth"? What about those who feel they know who they are, how to live life and that "the truth" in their eyes isn't Scientology?
If you watch the commercial again with out knowing it is for Scientology, you could replace ANYTHING/ANYONE as "The Truth". What's your thoughts on this ad and what is "The Truth" in your life?
I definitely agree that if you replace words in this commercial, it could fit to anything or anyone. This commercial could describe something such as your perfect job. You raise a good point about what if people feel they already know who they are and are content with life. Does this mean Scientology won't be for them? It seems as if it isn't something that can appeal to the masses, but instead to those who are in search of something.