Monday, December 14, 2009


The WWJD bracelets or What Would Jesus Do, became popular in the 1990's. These bracelets let christians be remided throughout the day to think of their choices and what jesus would want them to do. These bracelets are another way people can convinently have spirtituality in their life. Convinence is a big selling point to almost any service or product. The less energy it takes to do something the better it must be.


  1. Convenience does seem to be the way the world operates. This was a conveneint way to show your belief and whoever thought of this should be proud because this was and is still very popular.

  2. I feel you shouldn't need a bracelet to constantly remind you of the actions of Jesus Christ. If you have a relationship with Him then the Holy Spirit will keep you alert when it comes to deciding what to do in a trying situation!

  3. I heard someone once say that the quickest way to get rich is start a religion or atleast provide the accessories for it. :)It's funny how people buy into needing stuff for their spirituality.
