Sunday, December 6, 2009

M & S Commercial

This commercial is sort of funny to me. It tells me that Christmas isn't Christmas without all these things.
It isn't christmas without mints, dresses, food, toys, clothes, naked people in underwear. Really?
This is what we've come down to? Yes, ourlives aren't complete without all the stuff to fill them with.
Much like spirituality it is more stuff to fill our lives with, to make them better. We use stuff like we use spirituality,
it's just another thing. It doesn't mean anything, and
it doesn't really do anything and yet we rely on it so heavily.
It is hard to pick up on the connection this commercial has with spirituality becasue it seems to be a fairly
secular commercial aside from the fact that it is referring to Christmas. Really I see this commercial as more of a
metaphor in relation to spirituality. - Ashley M


  1. That's an interesting take on this commercial. If I'm understanding you correctly, I don't agree that spirituality is something that doesn't mean anything or do anything. From my personal experience and many other people I know, it is something that has enhanced my life and that is why I rely so heavily upon it.

  2. I don't believe that spirituality is useless, but this is the feeling that I got is what spirituality means concerning this commercial.

